Dear Shah,
Just back from KI. We had a lovely time. Excellent conference, although I don't think I distinguished myself with my paper. It was OK. Penneshaw is a beautiful spot and we had good weather. Sam and his friend Matt were great company when I was not at the conference. They managed to see the other side of the island, Seal Bay, Remarkable Rocks and then Kingscote. Yesterday, we went to Cape Willoughby Lighthouse. The view from the top is spectacular. Great guided tour.
Thank you a million times for the piece of Selangor Pewter. I wore it to a big seminar at uni today and felt very special. You pick lovely cards too. I have not thought yet about sending mine because of the fuss for the conference, but tomorrow after 5RPH I'll get cracking. My relatives in the UK must think I've gone AWOL. Shah, if you can come to Adelaide for a few days' break you are welcome here. We have plenty room and would love to see you. I must get to bed since I have an early start in the morning. Take care. And thanks again for the gift, which I adore. Merry has been out fighting and has a thick ear. I haven't seen Yoyo since this morning. I gave the pups a bath after a walk and now they hate me. Ah well! They smell better.
Cheers, Christine, Val etc
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