winter pieces from christine
Dear Shah,
You have no need to apologize for not emailing, I am remiss in not emailing you. You will be fine for you presentation. I am sure if you talk about your progress with your interviews, time will pass very quickly and people will be interested and ask good questions. I would love to come to Melbourne again and hear you all, but I promised myself I would write, uninterrupted concentration, until I have finished the first draft of my creative piece (by end of July, fingers crossed) and not go galivanting. And I am now saving my 'pennies' for next year when I will not be on a scholarship. It was Val's birthday last Tuesday. We went to the Aldgate Pump with our friends Steve and Alison (Alison's birthday the same day) and Lloyd, a lovely old gentleman of nearly 90 years, and it was a good meal. Tomorrow we are having an end of semester breakup celebration for Rick's Group. It is being held at Gay Lynch's place wich is between Victor Harbor and Yankalilla near Inman Valley. We have driven past the area on one of our trips and it is very lovely at this time of the year -- green grass and many streams and the last of the autumn leaves. I think the celebration is also because Gay has passed her doctorate, although she has not officially told us yet.
I have bought a bunch of yellow roses etc just in case and baked a cake. I just switched off the buzzer on the oven, so now I must take the pups and Molly to Mylor. They think I have forgotten but I haven't, even although it is getting dark. Yesterday I took a walk to Arbury Park to refresh my mind of the scenery for my fiction. I also went to the outdoor school there to see what they could tell me about the graffiti under the freeway. I was surprised to be greeted by an acquaintance from our ski club, Schuss. Her name is Liz and she has worked as a teacher/coordinator there since the early 1990s. The coincidence was amazing. Yesterday I went to Friday's in the Library (Noel Stockdale Room). This time the Screen Studies, History and Languages Depts. were putting on a show of 16mm films from the archival stock, about immigration. The films were chosen from the period about 1940 to 1980 and it was amazing to see how technology, aesthetic and attitudes change over time. Mike Walsh spoke well, as did the key speakers from the other departments. I must go before it gets really dark. I'll try to attach a photo or two from my excursion yesterday. You might remember the acquaduct from the walk we once took to the Old Mill from Mt Lofty Botanic Gardens. -- Take Care, Christine
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