Jumaat, Jun 20, 2008

keep busy ~

Apa yang menarik, proses ‘perkelanaan’ konseptualisasi ‘moden’ memerlukan percaturan peripentingnya pengekalan sistem dan fahaman ‘patriaki’, sungguhpun ia mampu dan perlu diubah dan disesuaikan mengikut peredaran zaman. Adalah jelas bahawa kegusaran untuk mengubah persepsi bahawa peranan wanita semakin ‘menyetarai’ kelas eksklusif ‘patriaki’ pada zaman moden hari ini, boleh mencipta siri ‘ancaman dan ugutan’ terhadap sistem gender yang berkiblatkan tradisional. Adalah jelas bahawa salah satu elemen yang membentuk pembangunan sosial masyarakat adalah wanita. Namun, apa yang perlu dipersoalkan ialah dominasi dan cabaran ke atas imej wanita. Sebagai contoh, penyerlahan imaginasi yang bercantum dengan budaya kepenggunaan kapitalis bakal memberi impak pasca moden yang melihat wanita menjadi sandaran kepada kepelbagain imej. Peluang untuk kebanyakan wanita di Malaysia khususnya orang Melayu hari ini melibatkan diri dalam sektor industri menyaksikan ‘pengkelasan’ wanita Melayu sebagai objek pemodenan keluarga, dan pada yang sama dilihat sebagai ‘ancaman’ kepada perpecahan keluarga, serta ugutan dominasi ‘patriaki’ dan sistem gender tradisional.

Sabtu, Jun 14, 2008

home again

Dear Shah

Arrived home just before midnight last night -- very weary. But we had a wonderful day yesterday, in spite of some rain. We visited the Treasury Museum, Fitzroy Gardens, Melbourne Museum, State Library of Victoria (Dome and Medieval imagination Exhibition -- stunning), Federation Square, South Bank and wonders of wonders The Eureka Tower. We also walked until my legs gave way and my feet were agony with blisters, but I bought first a new pair of boots which were just as bad, and then a pair of cheap flat shoes which were soft and bliss on my burning feet. We caught the last bus to Avalon at 7-40pm.
That, in itself was a wonderful ride. There were only about half-dozen people on this huge double-decker and Sam and I took a seat each, on the top deck, at the front. The night-lights of Melbourne were spectacular, especially from the top of the Westgate Bridge. Flight went out late at 10pm. This morning I got up early for my shift at radio RPH. Now I'm really tired. I'm sorry I did not attend Rosja's presentation. I meant to but we had barely begun at the Treasury Museum and Sam did not want to change his plan and hike back in that direction so soon.

However, I was really impressed with yours and I'm sure Chris and the rest of the supervisors are very happy with your progress and plans for your next step in the research. I also learnt something from the way Rachel structured her report and from Wogar's presentation. The suggestions and feedback from both staff and students must be very useful in clarifying thoughts and directions. You seem to be involved with a supportive and happy working group. Please thank the convenors for allowing me to attend. I must go and get to work on the structure of my proposal, so that I can talk to John MacC.
coherently about what I am trying to do. My abstract was not accepted for the Uni of Melbourne Conference (AntiTHESIS) in July. The convenors suggest they had twice as many applications as they had places for on the day, and mine did not fit into a category with any others. They suggest I might like to make a submission to their journal later in the year, but my whole reason for applying was "performative," rather than an analytical report. Ah, well, I've done enough gadding about for the time being.

Well done again on your presentation. And thank you for the chocolates -- naughty of you to be so extravagent, but Sam and I both appreciate the gift -- we are both chocoholics.
Cheers, Christine

Dear Shah,

I hope your visa application goes well. I cannot see how it shouldn't. Thanks for the link to zoo competitions. Sadly I am not eligible --only undergrads. I bought Jeff Lewis' book on cultural studies -- very interesting, especially towards the end on transculturalism. I ordered it through Amazon and it arrived very quickly and much cheaper than I could have bought it here. It is a second hand copy, with a few pages already highlighted, but in very good condition.

It is very windy and rainy here. Dogs may get a walk later, but I have much to do today and must return some books to Flinders. A long way to go for a few books. On Saturday night I went to a beautiful performance in the Space of the Festival Theatre. It is called "Impulse" and combined the Zephyr Quartet (strings, four musicians) with six dancers from the Leigh Warren Dancers. Very innovative exploration of the space and patterns of movement. No narrative except what each spectator brings to the performance, just logical, mathematical, lyrical statements. I was very happy with the experience.

I am about to work out what I would like to attend in the OzAsia Festival in Sept/Oct. Hope you are well.

Cheers, Christine

Ahad, Jun 08, 2008

Letih tapi seronok....hahaha..dah lama betul kan tak tulis apa kat sini...anyway, ia satu perkara biasa...bila dah terlalu sibuk sampai perkara-perkara kecik pun lupa nak buat...minggu betul-betul sibuk...apatah lagi GRC pun dah nak dekat..masa tu laa kena buat preparation betul-betul..tak nak laa buat setakat melepaskan batuk di tangga...bila buat kerja, kena hasilkan dan perform sesuatu yang terbaik...hmmm...next week Christine dan Sam datang....lama betul tak jumpa Christine...last jumpa ketika summer tahun sudah...malangnya christine tak dapat bawa Molly dan Yoyo...kalau tak mesti seronok...

tahun ni kena siapkan beberapa kerja yang tertangguh...terdapat beberapa fakta dan teori yang perlu di kaji sehingga ke akar umbi...dan paling mengejutkan aku terpaksa membaca semula karya-karya agung melayu walaupun rata-ratanya sudah diterjemah ke dalam bahasa orang kulit putih..tak kisah laa tu...last aku membaca karya-karya ini ketika di form six..alamak, teringat pula rakan-rakan ketika menuntut di Maktab Adabi Maharani...walaupun sekolah tu buruk dan kemudahan tak mencukupi, tapi aku terhutang budi betul sebab ia menjadi platform penting untuk aku mencapai cita-cita...aku masih ingat lagi bagaimana kami terpaksa memujuk beberapa kenalan di sekolah kerajaan biasa untuk rujukan soalan-soalan lepas STPM...kelakar betul....

ke mana agaknya mereka semua? Emy gemuk, Adriana yang cantik (malangnya dah ada anak dua), Ajak, Am, Fadzil, Zul Zam Zam, Bob, Zam, Azmi dan ramai lagi...hampir semuanya aku dah lost contact..kalau terjumpa semula di tengah jalan mesti rasa macam tak percaya....seakan baru semalam ia berlaku..walhal sudah lebih 12 tahun....hmmm...mungkin cuti musim panas kali ini aku akan ke muar...mengutip kembali kenangan di tepi Tanjung Emas dan Wetex parade..hahaha...ayat macam sasterawan...entah hapa-hapa...aku sebenarnya masih lagi menunggu jawapan dari Pittsburgh..tak tahu sama ada aku layak atau tidak untuk dapat fund tersebut..harap-harap berjaya....tapi aku tak meletakkan sebarang harapan..terlalu jauh dan berkos tinggi...tak apa lah...yang penting kerja-kerja aku di sini siap dan menepati jadual..tak sabar rasanya nak balik dan membetulkan semula kurikulum di Jabatan...semuanya sudah tersasar dan tidak menepati apa yang aku harapkan...tapi tidak mengapa...ia satu cabaran dan cabaran itu memang menyeronokkan..

christine is coming :P

Dear Shah,

What fun! Sam has a few days off before he starts his new job, so we are coming to Melbourne next Thursday and Friday for a break. He has just booked the flights and accomodation. If I may, I will come to your conference on the Thursday, but I must spend the Friday sightseeing with Sam. Should I register with the organisers for Thursday? I would also like to hear the keynote speaker. I asked Sam to give me plenty of time to get to RMIT by 10-30pm for your presentation, so we are getting the earliest flight.

Cheers, Christine